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\The place to sneak into was not a castle!/

The art of sneaking
into others’ minds.

\Avoid unnecessary conflicts and cycles of negativity!/

Ninja methods to acquire
and relay information.

\The art of focusing on the now!/

Ninja-style mental
strengthening techniques.

What is Ninja Wisdom?

Recent studies have shown that ninja's mission was to acquire and relay information. We know they were masters of communication (rather than sneaking around and stealing information) and used their skillful interpersonal and information-acquisition techniques to obtain correct and meaningful information. (The information they gained reduced unnecessary conflicts and allowed everyone in the community to live in peace.)
We have compiled these esoteric secrets into the "Ninja Karakuri Techniques" for modern survival in your everyday life and business situations. Experience these techniques as demonstrated by Japanese ninja in our interactive seminar!

Curriculum Excerpts

Background: The real missions of ninja

(➡Differences from samurai’s)

Conditioning: Ninja’s hand gestures and their scientific effects

(➡Experience of Nine Character Self-Defense Method to deal with risky situations)

Physical: The art of ninja tip-toe footwork

(➡Experience of developing body core strength and balance)

Mind: Ninja’s communication techniques

(➡Experience of a very unique communication method)

Spirit: Understanding the meaning of the character for "Shinobi" (忍)

(➡Experience learning calligraphy)

Adjustment: Ninja-style breathing exercises and mindfulness meditation

(➡Experience of aligning the mind and body and relax)

We carefully select and impart skills and techniques for events, hands-on learning, corporate training, and other events as requested.
As a part of the event
As a part of hands-on learning, etc.
For corporate training

People who like ninja or are interested
in Japanese culture.
People who want to survive
in uncertain times.
People who want to gain strength
of mind like a ninja.


■Through his experience as a salaried worker, he developed interpersonal, planning, and empathy skills.
■Obtained an MBA at Kellogg School, Northwestern Univ., and experienced a multicultural environment when living in New York.
■Trained as a ninjutsu practitioner at the Shikinomori Ninjutsu Dojo, as well as a “Business Ninja” in the theme park industry.
■In 2016, established a company to support theme parks and ninja-related businesses.
■Developed the techniques to acquire and utilize information and sneak into others’ minds through his experience of presenting to hundreds of corporations and speaking at seminars at Tokyo Big Site.

A member of:
●The International Ninja Research Association
●Japan Ninja Council


■Through her experience as a flight attendant, she cultivated energy, stamina, and hospitality skills.
■Experienced multiple cultures by living abroad in Canada, China, and Brazil.
■Currently training as a ninja at the Shikinomori Ninjutsu Dojo (Yokohama City).
■Won the championship in Odawara-City’s Greatest Ninja Competition.
■Conducts seminars in Tokyo, Yokohama, and Hiroshima, utilizing her qualifications as a coaching and inbound customer service instructor.

NINJA FOREST Writer (a website about ninja wisdom)

\We have received a lot of positive feedback from our seminar participants/

it was interesting to learn ninja skills and techniques that can be applied to modern business!

IT company

30s, IT company employee

I enjoyed learning from real-life examples that I can use in my own work because they were performed live.

in 2nd year
with the company

30s, IT company employee

Unlike any seminar I’ve ever attended, it gets right to the point! I will recommend it to my subordinates.

company owner

30s, IT company employee
To request more information or an estimate

Course Types and Fees

learn basics about real ninja and their art of survival, in a casual setting.
■Required Time : 60min.
■Course Fee : ¥12,000 (¥13,200 tax incl.) per person
master how to survive in today’s world through ninja wisdom, in a casual and experiential setting.You can also touch ninja weapons.
■Required Time : 90min.
■Course Fee: ¥18,000 (¥19,800 tax incl.) per person
  • *The minimum number of participants is 3.
  • *We can customize the subject matter and the related experiential workshops.
  • *The seminar will be held in a space you arrange. (Conference room, etc.)Please ask us if you can’t find any suitable space.

This live seminar is planned, supported,
and managed by Elder Tanaka & Associates, Inc.

Supported by

Inquiry / Seminar Request Form

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Depending on the content of your inquiry, we may take some time to reply to you,
or we may respond to your inquiry by means other than e-mail.

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